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Salvador Realmuto

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Posted By Salvador Realmuto 02-20-2024 10:17
Found In Egroup: Carta Collective
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I'm working on launching an ESOP for my employees, but I don't really want to provide a 1-year cliff for many of them. They've been with me long enough that I'd like them to start vesting right away. Is there any problem with this? Can I change the vesting schedule for some employees? ----------- ...
Posted By Salvador Realmuto 11-06-2023 15:15
Found In Egroup: Carta Compensation
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Hi, I'm running into an issue, wondering if you can help. A few of our employees only have either equity/salary in Total Comp reports. Why is that and how can we fix it? ------------------------------ Salvador Realmuto ------------------------------
Posted By Salvador Realmuto 11-06-2023 15:13
Found In Egroup: Carta Compensation
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Hello! I have a question that I'm hoping you can help with: How can I input the employee ID into Carta core to match the records together in Total Comp? ------------------------------ Salvador Realmuto ------------------------------