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Augusto Silva

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Posted By Augusto Silva 05-25-2023 08:34
Found In Egroup: Around The Table
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Investors want to protect against dilution, they'll typically demand a larger option pool pre-financing, in order to protect against the company needing to do the same for future rounds. The reason behind this is that when you increase the option pool, it affects pre-existing shareholders and lowers ...
Posted By Augusto Silva 05-25-2023 08:32
Found In Egroup: Carta Collective
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Investors want to protect against dilution, they'll typically demand a larger option pool pre-financing, in order to protect against the company needing to do the same for future rounds. The reason behind this is that when you increase the option pool, it affects pre-existing shareholders and lowers ...
Posted By Augusto Silva 05-25-2023 07:47
Found In Egroup: Founders Lounge
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Investors want to protect against dilution, they’ll typically demand a larger option pool pre-financing, in order to protect against the company needing to do the same for future rounds. The reason behind this is that when you increase the option pool, it affects pre-existing shareholders and lowers ...