Welcome to Carta Community!

A place to learn, ask, and succeed


Carta Community is a place to discuss best practices, gain new skills, and learn from other Carta users to help you thrive in the startup and equity administration business.

First things first, check out this quick video to learn how to create a Carta Community account. 


Sign up today

Let's get to know each other


The best way to start connecting with other community members is to fill out your bio and add a profile photo. 


This video will walk you through how to complete your profile and start connecting with others. 


Complete your profile             Introduce yourself

Check us out


Carta Community has several community user groups to connect our customers. Find peers who use the Carta platform like you do and start participating in the community today. 


Find how to navigate Carta Community, join a community, participate in discussions, and more by watching this video. 


Find your community            Start a new thread