Cap table

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 Audit trail for changes made in Carta to Cap Table

Lee Ann Steinberg's profile image
Lee Ann Steinberg posted 05-20-2024 13:03


I am a user (not admin) on Carta.  I'm looking for an audit history of changes made.  I can see that a partner has transferred units to a trust, and I can see the effective date of that change and who made the change.  I cannot see when the change was made.  For example, I see that Administrator moved the units effective on a certain date in 2022, but I can't see that the Administrator made that change in 2023.  

I need to be able to find changes made in Carta since the last time I looked at it.

Thank you.

Brent Devey's profile image
Brent Devey

Hi @Lee Ann Steinberg

As an LLC account user, you should have access to view the dates  that you're looking for by following these steps: 

  1. After logging into your Carta account, choose the applicable entity in your home page and click 'View'
  2. Under the 'Cap table' dropdown in the top left, select 'History'

This will pull up a list of all actions taken on the account and you'll be able to find the change that you're looking for. 

Please reach out if that doesn't work for you for any reason. 
