Idea Details


10-26-2023 10:56

This deserves a higher priority.

Economic conditions are causing companies to temporarily lay-off good people which they intend to call-back.

It would be extremely valuable to be able to "pause" vesting for a definable period of time and then re-start the vesting when they return.

06-29-2023 15:11

'Pausing' vesting gets wild for some companies, depending on how they implement pauses. I can understand that it can depend on the company on how specifically they choose to pause vesting, but I believe by Carta introducing a tool that does this, it could really standardize how vesting pauses can be done (just like Carta has helped standardize so much of the equity world).

06-06-2023 14:16

Thanks! Sent this over to our Product team for review. 

Pause Vesting functionality

Last activity 10-26-2023 10:56
David Wieseneck's profile image
By: David Wieseneck
06-06-2023 05:55

Use case: Option holder goes on extended leave (ie maternity/paternity leave or sabbatical or leave of absence) & company wants to “pause vesting" - this usually happens when someone takes extended leave beyond what is acceptable per policy

  • I know we can do this manually by modifying a vesting schedule, but it is a bit of extra work and not very clean
  • This seems to be a bit of a workaround
  • Ideally - there is a clear "pause vesting" functionality that modifies the vesting schedule for the admin