Ask an Expert of Data Privacy: AMA with Ronni K. Gothard Christiansen


Event Image


When:  Jul 15, 2024 from 09:00 to 10:00 (PT)
Associated with  Carta open forum


Online Instructions:


We are excited to announce our next "Ask an Expert" AMA event in the Carta Community, featuring Ronni K. Gothard Christiansen, the visionary behind AesirX. This is a unique opportunity to engage with a leading expert in Web3 business solutions and data privacy.

AesirX offers cutting-edge Web3 business solutions that prioritize data privacy and tackle online tracking issues. With increasing compliance demands and the recent tightening of third-party cookie rules significantly impacting organizations, Ronni's expertise is more relevant than ever. 

In this AMA session, Ronni will share his insights and answer your questions on topics such as:

  • Cross-border compliance for startups

  • Complying with GDPR for US-based companies

  • New privacy laws in the US  

  • Checking compliance of your site or e-commerce solution

  • Building a privacy-first culture

About Ronni K. Gothard Christiansen:

With a 25-year track record in MarTech, Open Source, and Blockchain, Ronni has significantly influenced the Open Source community. He founded AesirX to provide ethical data management solutions amidst rising compliance demands. His work is pivotal in helping businesses navigate the complexities of data privacy and digital marketing in the modern era.

Event details:

  • To join this event, simply log in to the Carta Community with your Carta credentials and register for the event.

  • This is an asynchronous event with no video component. Comment on the discussion thread to ask your questions to Ronni.