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  • 1.  Is it bad to give equity to contractors?

    Posted 09-25-2023 14:38

    Most of the advice I've solicited on this topic says you should never give a contractor equity. I have a contractor who is building an app for my startup (we have the backend built ourselves) and he's open to accepting half in equity for his work on the project. 

    Many people have told me "don't give equity to anyone who you don't imagine working on the startup for 5 years or so" and I can understand that. But on the other hand, giving equity to a developer also means he believes in the project, will be more invested in the success of the startup, and deliver higher quality work. My reasoning for wanting to do this is that I'm short on cash. I've raised $25k angel investment for the startup so far and this development cost is $12k, so giving some equity could reduce that to $6k.

    Thoughts? I'm just generally curious why people are so against this.

    Daniel Thenbaum

  • 2.  RE: Is it bad to give equity to contractors?

    Posted 09-26-2023 09:29

    I will tell you the same skip the high-priced app developer they only built the shells The Back end is the bulk of a job and it sounds like you've already done it.12k actually seems high cost for an app shell, You said you did the bulk being the backend work. I used to spin my own apps with Xcode and the SDKs from Google for Android or Swift from Apple but now get started with a minimal viable product for demo and testing use. some apps can simply use a WordPress plugin to make login apps with access to data from a WordPress website more complex on a freelance website like Fiverr it's amazing what you can get done for a few hundred dollars. We are now doing an AI app to work while offline so it's more complex but these front-end templates or shells sold by freelancers still work for a quick demo. Ask to see prior work before hiring many can turn around an MVP in 24 hours not so keep your Stock equity so you can raise more money. to iterate with a refined UI etc.
    Many people have told me "don't give equity to anyone who you don't imagine working on the startup for 5 years or so" and I can understand that. But on the other hand, giving equity to a developer also means he believes in the project, will be more invested in the success of the startup, and deliver higher quality work. My reasoning for wanting to do this is that I'm short on cash. I've raised $25k angel investment for the startup so far and this development cost is $12k
    Daniel Thenbaum,  09-25-2023 14:38


    Alan DeRossett

  • 3.  RE: Is it bad to give equity to contractors?

    Posted 09-26-2023 09:56
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    It is good to give equity shares to contractors who volunteered to raise funds for your Startup. In the third world country like Ghana, getting funds for a Startup Business is very difficult and if somebody or a group of volunteer to raise funds for your Startup, there is nothing good than showing gratitude by offering them equity shares.

    Peter Aidoo

  • 4.  RE: Is it bad to give equity to contractors?

    Posted 09-26-2023 10:27

    Founder of bubbles here.

    I do give contractors equity, but only when we expect to work together long-term. I typically assign 4 years of equity with a 1 year cliff, and determine the equity amount based on our valuation.

    This also incentivizes the contractor to do good work because they'll want to make sure you don't terminate within the 1 year cliff.

    Tom Medema

  • 5.  RE: Is it bad to give equity to contractors?

    Posted 09-26-2023 11:28

    @Tom Medema very helpful to know. Do you find that contractors are interested in working contract positions for that long? Do you ever offer to convert it to a full time position? 

    Daniel Thenbaum

  • 6.  RE: Is it bad to give equity to contractors?

    Posted 09-26-2023 12:00

    It's certainly not common. You can of course lower the duration to e.g. a 3 months cliff. I personally apply this mostly when working with agencies and then assign the equity to a key player within that agency (on their personal name)

    Tom Medema

  • 7.  RE: Is it bad to give equity to contractors?

    Posted 09-27-2023 01:02

    At Easop we grant equity to contractor in 70+ countries!

    We have long term contractors who have a typical 4y vesting.

    There are also short term contractors who get a 6 month vesting schedule on a rolling basis - they only vest the options at the end a 6 months period.

    It's important to communicate transparently on terms, especially on PTEP.

    Happy to jump on a short call if you want to know more Daniel!

    Valentin Haarscher, CEO at Easop

  • 8.  RE: Is it bad to give equity to contractors?

    Posted 09-27-2023 07:59

    Our opinion on the subject is a bit biased. Everything that we create, acquire or turn around is all 100% equity based. Our model is rooted in creating a worker owned collaborative. So giving equity from the beginning is the goal. 

    This gives our founders ownership, ownership creates pride and drive, which in turn helps us get the business off the ground faster than the slow process of raising or finding sources of capital. It's a metaphorical "barn raising" where a community comes together to create the things that they all will find a benefit in future use from. 

    This works for us because the sooner we can hand over full control the better.

    However, for the founder that wants to retain control of their vision and guide the venture to the goals that they see in their mind it could be very problematic. Giving equity is equal to giving control, which comes with a slew of potential problems and frustrations, and could potentially lead to being pushed out of your own house to watch someone else take your "baby" away. Not fun at all for anyone emotionally tied to the out comes of what they are trying to bring life to. 

    So, in our opinion and experience, if a founder is building for exit, then equity makes sense. If a founder is building something that they want to see as a job or their life's work or want to pass it down to their family's future generations with "a one person at the helm"mindset, this needs to be thought through to make sure that it is going to someone that they can work with indefinitely and has the best intentions for their creation.

    This is a deeply personal question for a founder who is not building for exit. Only you can make that choice and the "how" needs to be planned out every  step of the way to make sure that they can maintain their ability to make the choices without outside or inside interference.

    Well, I talk way too much and if you've made it this far then I owe it to you to shut up. LOL love and light…


    General Manager/Owner/Founder

    Lyonides Ventures

    Joshua Wicke
    Owner/Founder/General Manager
    Lyonides Ventures LLC
    Jacksonville FL

  • 9.  RE: Is it bad to give equity to contractors?

    Posted 09-27-2023 08:58
    Dear Mr Wicke,
    Thank you for your explanation. 
    I appreciate it very much.
    Your question again:  Is it bad to give equity to contractors?
    You has been in the fundraising business for long time and has got much experience. To this end, i leave everything to you to handle for me. Any decision you take, i will accept it because i want Startup Business to grow.
    Hoping my request will meet your favourable consideration and approval.
    Yours Faithfully
    Peter Aidoo

  • 10.  RE: Is it bad to give equity to contractors?

    Posted 09-30-2023 07:39
    Dear Mr Wicke,
    This is to explain to you the problem i am facing with Donorbox Fundraising Organization. I am raising funds through Donorbox  on the LinkedIn Platform. The fundraising has been successful but Donorbox informed me that they cannot transfer my funds to me because PayPal and Stripe Transfer Systems are not working in Ghana. They transferred me to Stripe Atlas to open an Account in US for me. To this end, Stripe Atlas informed me to pay $100 to be used to open the Account.  I explained to them that $100 is about GH¢55,000 in Ghana Currency and cannot be payed by a Startup Business Man in Ghana. 
    Stripe Atlas transferred me to Mercury and Mercury intend transferred me to CARTA.
    My question:  Can CARTA contact Donorbox to release the funds to be transfer them to me?
    Hoping my question will meet your favourable consideration.
    Thank You
    Peter Aidoo