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  • 1.  Get ready to ask me anything about startup data trends

    Posted 05-09-2024 12:31

    Hey Carta Community,

    I'm thrilled to announce an upcoming event that I'm particularly excited about - an "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) session right here in Carta Community! Please join me on Tuesday, May 14th to talk about startup data trends and much more. 

    As the Head of Insights at Carta, I'm deeply passionate about uncovering the stories and trends that shape the private market ecosystem. With a background that spans from leading marketing efforts at PublicRelay to visualizing data at The Atlantic's Covid Tracking Project during the pandemic's peak, I've had the privilege of exploring data-driven narratives across various domains.

    If you have any questions in anticipation of our event, feel free to drop them in the comments and I'll kick off my event next week by answering them. 

    Event Details:

    Date: Tuesday, May 14th
    Time: 10am PT
    Location: Carta Community

    See you there!

    Peter Walker

  • 2.  RE: Get ready to ask me anything about startup data trends

    Posted 05-13-2024 09:13

    Excited to follow along tomorrow! 

    I do have a question for you, @Peter Walker:

    We have the opportunity to be introduced to an advisor in our industry. Do you know what is the average amount of equity that is normal to give an advisor while in the seed round? Thanks!

    Mira Liu

  • 3.  RE: Get ready to ask me anything about startup data trends

    Posted 05-13-2024 16:59

    Hi, Peter. I (CEO) founded a nanodrug delivery company 5 years ago (Nano PharmaSolutions) and we are ready for our first clinical trial for Parkinson's Disease. My background is Ph.D. (organic chemistry) and MBA. This Co is based on my own invention. We have raised >$4M in equity and about to start $10M Series A VC round. The Seed equity round lead investor sits is a director in our board (per the term). He has been raising loud noise that it is time to bring in external CEO with much experience in venture relations because I (an Asian female scientist, technical founder) am not what VC would like to fund. We operates on a cash conservative mode and I don't take salary, we have 3 FTE and many consultants. I can agree to his assertion that Series A will go quicker and better with a while male Caucasian who has done this many times with successful exits before. We are about to start a national talent search for this position...I am not sure how to pick one with confidence that it will work out (have not done this before).   

    Kay Olmstead