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Average salary ranges in NYC: Engineering, product, customer success

  • 1.  Average salary ranges in NYC: Engineering, product, customer success

    Posted 09-29-2022 12:53

    On November 1, 2022, New York City will require employers to publish salary ranges for open roles. NYC joins a growing trend across the country for increased pay transparency-Colorado, Maryland, and several cities already require salary information on any open job posting. Startup leaders looking to hire in these locations are faced with a brand-new challenge: making sure that their pay bands, once public, stand up to the competition. 

    Today, we're sharing three complete, recently updated sets of NYC salary and equity band data for a few key job areas. This information comes directly from Carta Total Comp as of September 2022. We hope it can help companies hiring in New York make informed decisions ahead of these transparency requirements. 

    Learn more here.

    Brent Devey