Carta Partner Certification

Free platform training | Pass the assessment tests | Get certified


The Partner Certification Program offers law firm users free training on Carta cap tables. Understand the tools and workflows to get things right — the first time.


Free platform training

The training consists of three tiers: Proficient (Level 1), Premier (Level 2), and Expert (Level 3).


Partner Certification Badge

    • Curriculum (65 mins)

Partner Certification Badge - Premier

    • Curriculum (48 mins)

Partner Certification Badge - Expert

    • Curriculum (42 mins)

Schedule your assessments

Once you've completed the coursework, schedule a time to test your proficiency with the team

Level up professionally 


Understand the tools and workflows to get things right – the first time

Demonstrate your expertise to clients and your firm so you can set yourself up for career success

Promote your Carta certification on social media, in your email signature, on your resume, and even the Carta platform